Happy Tuesday...
I just watched a video by a makeup artist, named Kandee. She sort of opened up about herself and shared some of her struggles. I really like her, her site, her videos. This girl really shines when she's doing her tutorials. She seems to just be full of life and loves every minute of it.
I watched her video and she talks about how everyone carries a suitcase in life and how it seems that what's in it doesn't make sense, but it all really is there for your path in life.
I never really thought of things that way, but it really makes so much sense. She also talked about how she sees light in a broken mirror and how it shines. I immediately thought of a photo I had taken when I was pregnant and how it really has so much meaning after hearing her comment about the mirror.
My photographer, always seems to capture something I don't expect, when she does shoots for us. When I was pregnant, D'Lynn did a photo shoot for me and she took a picture through a broken window...I loved the photo...she is just so amazing.
After this morning, after watching the video posted by Kandee, that photo has such a different meaning to me now. Here it is:

My son, Joaquin, is three years old. This year, he was diagnosed with epilepsy. His diagnosis and prognosis is good, we are hoping within the next few years, he will grow out of it.
In the middle of the diagnosis, he did a week stay at our local hospital to have a 24 hour video EEG done. There was a day that I was driving to the hospital and I stopped at a stop sign and just started to cry. Until that day, I hadn't cried, I was scared, mad, angry, how could I have let this happen to my little man....
At that moment, I promised my son that I would do anything and everything I could to help him and others that have epilepsy.
Since January, my DH and I have started a website to help educate our family and friends about epilepsy. www.joaquinthebean.com We have done the annual walk in Tucson and PHX to show our support, we started making T-shirts, we both blog about our stuggles with everyday and having epilepsy in it. We also started a site to allow musicians who have epilepsy to be able to share their music with other in similar situations. www.rockepilepsy.ning.com This November, we are planning an event to raise money for the Epilepsy Foundation.
Through the broken glass of that picture, I have found what I need to do. I need to be an outspoken activist for my son. I gave up my "career" for my boys, no looking back, no regrets...but I think now I have found my calling...my suitcase makes sense now too.
So, here's to finding your suitcase, dusting it off, and seeing that everything in there is supposed to be. Now go and find your broken mirror or window and find your light...find what makes you shine!
Take Kandee's story with you, I know I will.
I just watched a video by a makeup artist, named Kandee. She sort of opened up about herself and shared some of her struggles. I really like her, her site, her videos. This girl really shines when she's doing her tutorials. She seems to just be full of life and loves every minute of it.
I watched her video and she talks about how everyone carries a suitcase in life and how it seems that what's in it doesn't make sense, but it all really is there for your path in life.
I never really thought of things that way, but it really makes so much sense. She also talked about how she sees light in a broken mirror and how it shines. I immediately thought of a photo I had taken when I was pregnant and how it really has so much meaning after hearing her comment about the mirror.
My photographer, always seems to capture something I don't expect, when she does shoots for us. When I was pregnant, D'Lynn did a photo shoot for me and she took a picture through a broken window...I loved the photo...she is just so amazing.
After this morning, after watching the video posted by Kandee, that photo has such a different meaning to me now. Here it is:

My son, Joaquin, is three years old. This year, he was diagnosed with epilepsy. His diagnosis and prognosis is good, we are hoping within the next few years, he will grow out of it.
In the middle of the diagnosis, he did a week stay at our local hospital to have a 24 hour video EEG done. There was a day that I was driving to the hospital and I stopped at a stop sign and just started to cry. Until that day, I hadn't cried, I was scared, mad, angry, how could I have let this happen to my little man....
At that moment, I promised my son that I would do anything and everything I could to help him and others that have epilepsy.
Since January, my DH and I have started a website to help educate our family and friends about epilepsy. www.joaquinthebean.com We have done the annual walk in Tucson and PHX to show our support, we started making T-shirts, we both blog about our stuggles with everyday and having epilepsy in it. We also started a site to allow musicians who have epilepsy to be able to share their music with other in similar situations. www.rockepilepsy.ning.com This November, we are planning an event to raise money for the Epilepsy Foundation.
Through the broken glass of that picture, I have found what I need to do. I need to be an outspoken activist for my son. I gave up my "career" for my boys, no looking back, no regrets...but I think now I have found my calling...my suitcase makes sense now too.
So, here's to finding your suitcase, dusting it off, and seeing that everything in there is supposed to be. Now go and find your broken mirror or window and find your light...find what makes you shine!
Take Kandee's story with you, I know I will.