Thursday, August 20, 2009

30 Years...Gives me something to strive for.

These are my beautiful parent, back in 1979 on their wedding day.

They have been married 30 years! They have 7 children, 7 grandchildren at the moment, countless number of foster children and a huge collection of friends and family!

Without words, they have shown me what a "Work In Progress" marriage is. They have always worked hard for everything. As kids, we never went without...or should I say without what we needed. We always had wants, but we never needed.

So...they give me a lot to strive for in my marriage...and I have learned so much from them!
BTW...that's me in the peach dress on the left...I was 4 years old!

All I can say to them is...Thank you...thank you for being strict parents...I learned how to be a productive person in society. Thank you for teaching me valid life skills, I was able to move out on my own after high school. Thank you for your support, even when I didn't think I needed was always there. Thank you for the late night phone calls...when I'm scared about the boys. Thank you for just being great parents...I love you for it!
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